Tag: apples

Awesome Apple Donut Bread Pudding

As I promised yesterday, today’s post will answer the question: “What do I do if I have leftover apple and/or apple cider donuts that are a few days old?” My family and I faced this exact same dilemma recently after one of our trips to Apple Hill resulted in buying […]

A Fall-Time Tradition: Apple Hill (2019)

Apple Hill is one of my top favorite Fall traditions every year. The apples, the apple cider, and especially the apple donuts are all fantastic. Visiting during mid to late October is especially a treat because of the color change of the leaves. Incredible hues of yellow, orange, and a […]

How to Make Apple Cider Cake

Apple Week, Day 3! This is one of my favorite sponge recipes because the sweetness from the apple cider instant drink mix and the sour note from the reduced apple cider provide a nice balanced flavor. This recipe is great, especially when combined with apple compote and apple cider buttercream! […]

How to Make Apple Pie Filling

Happy apple season! One of my favorite things about Fall is making delicious desserts with apples! There are so many yummy items you can make with apples, which is why I am posting a new apple related post everyday this week! For the first recipe of Apple Week, I made […]