Cupcakes are always a great dessert to bring, whether you are taking them to a workplace or a weekend party. During this terroriffic time of the year, it can be hard to find some truly cute cupcakes with spooky decorations at local shops or grocery stores. Well, look no further! I have some really cute Halloween cupcake toppers that are also quick to make. Whether you make your cupcakes from scratch, or just want to jazz up some store-bought cupcakes, these will be sure to scare up a fantastic reaction when you add these to any dessert table!
- If you are interested in making some truly delicious homemade cupcakes, I used my Caramel Apple Cupcakes to accompany these adorable decorations. For these particular cupcakes, I also swapped my traditional caramel for my Candy Corn Caramel Sauce.
- You can find the link for my Caramel Apple Cupcakes here!
- You can also find the link for my Candy Corn Caramel Sauce here!
1. Angry Slime Monster:

Materials: cupcake, Candy Corn Caramel Sauce, and medium eyeball sprinkles
Equipment: piping bag, food tweezers (optional)
Assembly: Pipe a generous amount of candy corn caramel onto the cupcake. Add the medium eyeball sprinkles to the middle of the cupcake. Using the food tweezers, or the tip of a spoon or a butter knife, carefully drag a small amount of the candy corn caramel onto the very tops of the eyes to make the slime monster look angry. Your Angry Slime Monster Cupcake is complete!
2. Fuzzy Monster:

Materials: cupcake, green buttercream, and medium eyeball sprinkles
Equipment: piping bag, Wilton 233 tip, an offset spatula or a butter knife, food tweezers (optional)
Assembly: Using the offset spatula or butter knife, spread an even layer of green buttercream on top of the buttercream of the assembled cupcake. Place the eyes in the middle of the cupcake on top of the green buttercream. Using a piping bag, fitted with the Wilton 233 tip and filled with green buttercream, hold the tip on the side of the eyeball sprinkles. Squeeze the piping bag and pull up and slightly away from the cupcake as buttercream comes out of the piping tip. Repeat this process until the eyeball sprinkles are outlined in green buttercream “fur.” Continue to pipe buttercream onto the cupcake until the top is fully coated in the green buttercream. Your Fuzzy Monster Cupcake is complete!
3. One-Eyed, One-Horned Purple Monster:

Materials: cupcake, purple fondant, a large eyeball sprinkle, a black edible marker, water or buttercream
Equipment: fondant roller or a rolling pin, 2.5” circle fondant cutter
Assembly: Roll out the purple fondant and cut a circle. Use the edible marker to draw a mouth onto the fondant circle. Add a very small amount of either water or buttercream to the back of the eyeball sprinkle and place it in the middle of the fondant circle. Take a small piece of fondant and create a horn shape. Lightly wet the base of the horn with water and place onto the fondant. Place on top of the cupcake and your One-Eyed, One-Horned Purple Monster Cupcake is complete!
4. Brain:

Materials: cupcake, pink fondant, and off-pink buttercream
Equipment: fondant roller or rolling pin, 2.5” circle fondant cutter, piping bag, Wilton 12 tip
Assembly: Roll out the pink fondant, cut a circle, and place on top of the cupcake. Using the piping bag, fitted with the Wilton 12 tip and filled with off-pink buttercream, pipe one line down the middle of the cupcake. Continue to pipe as you make a back and forth motion down one half of the cupcake. Repeat this back and forth motion down the other side of the cupcake. Your Brain Cupcake is complete!
5. Zombie:

Materials: cupcake, green fondant, purple fondant, one small eyeball sprinkle, one medium eyeball sprinkle, off-pink buttercream, red food gel, a black edible marker
Equipment: fondant roller or rolling pin, 2.5” circle fondant cutter, piping bag, Wilton 3 tip, a food-safe paint brush (optional)
Assembly: Combine equal parts of purple and green fondant and thoroughly mix the two until they make one color. Roll out the fondant and cut a circle. Using a piping bag fitted with a Wilton 3 tip and off-pink buttercream, pipe a little brain on the very top of the fondant circle using the same technique as described in the Brain Cupcake Assembly section. Draw a small mouth and then place the fondant on the cupcake. Add a tiny amount of buttercream to the back of the eyeball sprinkles and place them onto the fondant. Using a food-safe paint brush (or the tip of a spoon), brush the red food gel onto the zombie face and brain to look like blood. Your Zombie Cupcake is complete!
6. Vampire:

Materials: cupcake, white fondant, black fondant, medium eyeball sprinkles, red food gel, water, a black edible marker
Equipment: fondant roller or rolling pin, 2.5” circle fondant cutter, a knife or fondant cutting tool, food-safe paint brush (optional)
Assembly: Roll out the white fondant and cut a circle. Roll out the black fondant, cut a circle, and then cut out hair for the vampire using either the knife or the fondant cutting tool. Use a small amount of water to adhere the hair to the top of the white fondant circle. Using either water or buttercream, adhere the eyeball sprinkles to the white fondant. Use the black edible marker to draw a few lines for the hair as well as an open mouth with fangs. Using the food-safe paint brush, add red food gel to the mouth of the vampire. Place on top of the cupcake and your Vampire Cupcake is complete!
7. Mummy:

Materials: cupcake, white fondant, water, medium eyeball sprinkles
Equipment: fondant roller or rolling pin, 2.5” circle fondant cutter, a knife or fondant cutting tool
Assembly: Roll out the fondant, cut a circle, and place on top of the cupcake. Use a small amount of water or buttercream to adhere the eyeball sprinkles to the middle of the fondant circle. Using either a knife or a fondant cutting tool, cut strips of white fondant. Apply a small amount of water to the back of the strips and layer the strips onto the white fondant until the fondant circle is sufficiently covered in the fondant strips. Your Mummy Cupcake is complete!
8. Devil:

Materials: cupcake, red fondant, medium eyeball sprinkles, water, a black edible marker
Equipment: fondant roller or rolling pin, 2.5” circle fondant cutter, a knife or fondant cutting tool
Assembly: Roll out the fondant and cut a circle. Use either a small amount of water or buttercream to adhere the eyeball sprinkles onto the piece of fondant. Using two small and equally sized pieces of fondant, shape the two horns. Apply water to the base of the horns and place onto the fondant circle. Using the knife or fondant cutting tool, cut two small strips of red fondant. Place the two small strips onto the top of the eyeballs to create eyelids. Use a small amount of water to adhere the eyebrows to the fondant. Lastly, use the edible marker to draw a smirk. Place on top of your cupcake and your Devil Cupcake is complete!
9. Witch’s Hat:

Materials: cupcake, black fondant, purple fondant, water
Equipment: fondant roller or rolling pin, a 2” and a 2.5” circle fondant cutters, a knife or fondant cutting tool, food-safe paint brush (optional)
Assembly: Roll out the black fondant and cut one 2” circle and one 2.5” circle. Cut the 2.5” circle in half, overlap the straight sides to create a cone shape, and try to smooth the seam of the fondant. Place the cone in middle of the witch’s hat and set aside. Roll out the purple fondant and cut a strip, approximately 1/8th to 1/4th of an inch in width. Place around the base of the cone to check the length and cut off any excess fondant. Using a food safe paint brush, brush some water along the base of the cone and wrap the purple fondant around the base. Place on top of the cupcake and your Witch’s Hat Cupcake is complete!
10. Frankenstein’s Monster:

Materials: cupcake, green fondant, black fondant, medium eyeball sprinkles, a black edible marker
Equipment: fondant roller or rolling pin, Frankenstein’s Monster head cookie cutter, knife or fondant cutting tool
Assembly: Roll out the green fondant and cut a Frankenstein’s monster head. Set the green fondant head aside, roll out the black fondant, and cut a Frankenstein’s monster head. Cut the top strip (hair) and the bolts off the black fondant and set the rest aside. Use a little water to adhere the black hair and bolts to the green fondant. Add a small amount of water or buttercream to the back of the eyeball sprinkles and place them on the fondant. Use the black edible marker to draw a mouth and stitches on the head, and then place on top of the cupcake. Your Frankenstein’s Monster Cupcake is complete!
11. Ghost:

Materials: cupcake, a regular-sized marshmallow, white fondant, a black edible marker
Equipment: fondant roller or rolling pin, 2.75” circle fondant cutter
Assembly: Roll out the white fondant and cut a 2.75” circle. Place the fondant on top of the marshmallow and lightly press the fondant onto the marshmallow. Work your way around the top of the marshmallow, making sure to smooth the fondant a little bit at a time. Once the top third of the marshmallow is lined in fondant, draw a face onto the fondant and then place the marshmallow on top of the cupcake. Your Ghost Cupcake is complete!
Thank you so much for viewing this post! I hope that you try these out and please share with me if you do make some of these adorable Halloween cupcake toppers! I would love to see your pictures!